British Council

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The British Council engaged Technobunnies to complete a report bringing together data collated by UNISA examining the experience and outcomes of teacher training strategies. The report presents the current state of the education system in South Africa, with a particular focus on its ability to provide inclusive education.

Qualitative data was collected through questionnaires and focus groups in a long-running project. The state of inclusive education in South Africa and the implications for teacher training programmes, brings together the research and data presented by 6 different research teams. The technobunnies team (researcher, data analyst, editor) compiled that data, analysed it and presented the statistics. We then compiled the research and presented the gap analyses to direct further focused research. Some of this deeper research was provided in-house. For one area we requested that the client appoint a suitably qualified professional.

Finally, Technobunnies brought the report together as a comprehensive whole and the recommendations for the way forward for teacher training programmes were extracted from the research and presented with prioritiy areas highlighted.

There were some fascinating outcomes illustrated as a result of the teacher trainee’s experience, which, if on-boarded by the Department of Basic Education, may have a profound impact on the future of both teacher training and education in South Africa.

The full report is available by clicking the image below.


It was a great privilege to be able to assist with an endeavor that speaks to human dignity and potential.

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