Technical Writing Clients

Communicating technical concepts with clarity is a key service offered by the founder of Technobunnies.

From technical documentation written in markdown or rST to tech blogs . Here is a selection of clients and projects that made use of such skills, either as technical writer or ghost-writer (permission provided by clients to showcase).

Tech Blogs

Some clients need to drive site traffic by providing meaningful, well-researched articles for blogs. As long as the client is sincere about properly researched (and fully referenced) articles, then I am happy to assist. These are typically ghost-written and clients do not always wish to reveal that they employed a ghostwriter. An exception to this rule is Tom Altman for whom I created this blockchain article which considers the origin of and future applications of the blockchain.

Here are some past (and present) technical writing clients:

SEO Tech Articles

Other clients are walking the delicate balance between needing an article that will assist with their SEO, whilst providing useful information to their customers. Such articles are actually more of a challenge than the blockchain piece because the word count is restrictive and the SEO requirements prescriptive. Lumigo is just such a client, for whom I developed these items:


Photobox pulled a global virtual team together for their recruitment drive for Photobox Group Security. Tempted in as technical writer it became apparent that they needed an all-hands-on-deck attitude. Having worked in startups in the past I knew that job descriptions can become very loose concepts. Come the end of the project here is what the ‘job’ entailed:

  • Copywriting for the blog. Various good ideas sat in Git as markdown files, these needed to be formed into usable articles and published live.
  • Testing systems. The recruitment process involved candidates creating their own site in GitHub using GitHub Pages. The instructions required verifying and clarifying, especially as the process was agile in nature.
  • Creating content for the Open Security Summit.
  • Creating, testing and applying candidate application procedure. Candidates were asked to answer various questions. I became part of the ‘back-end’ team (yes I have used this term in meetings, possibly inappropriate in polite company), processing the data and setting switches on various meta-data in their markdown files.

By the end of the process, Photobox had an entire recruitment system built, all working through the front end. Having started at the rock-face within Git, I found I tended to work directly with the files.


NetworQ required a technical writer to create their ‘getting started guide’. Creating markdown files in GitHub, I provided user documentation. I set up a style guide and provided the documentation, keeping the look sleek and simple.


I love a client that pushes me out of my comfort zone. Gilytics is a fine example of such. They wanted to host their documentation on read the docs using reStructuredText and Sphinx. They took me on knowing that I am experienced in markdown and capable of picking up a new slimline markup language. I spent some time playing around with rST and went on to develop their user documentation for their Pathfinder tool – a web app that uses GIS technology to assist engineers plan infrastructure paths.

This project gave me my first excuse to use GitLab (rather than GitHub or Bitbucket) and yet another chance to join a global team using Slack.


Braze had created a new style guide and wanted some idea of what implementing that would mean in terms of work-hours. I dived into the documentation for their SAAS offering, with the style guide in hand and updated enough content to give them a fair estimate.

Communicating cutting edge Tech

One of the greatest challenges in tech is faced by those companies that are at the cutting edge. They need to communicate with clients who do not understand their product in a way that engineers trust and that communicates the technology. Past clients who have required articles that provide this balance include:

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