There are some awesome resources out the in the big wide web. Here are some that Technobunies recommend reading: Statistics Simple statistics How to validate a questionnaire Likert scales use and misuse: Bishop & Heron Carifio & Perla Various statistics links Site providing a visual analog scale (VAS) Missing data…
VBA snippet – find data range
Ah the generic, where is my data question: Related posts: Edge Media Edge Media is an online-learning provider based in Cape Town…. University of Cape Town The services offered in our capacity as a registered vendor with… Tree App The Tree App project was run from Johannesburg using a… Research…
VBA snippet manipulate an array to change behaviour following a –
If I recall correctly the issue comes with a hyphenated name. People-power with a capital for the first letter and a lowercase for the last was the desired format, but the text produced by people came with the variation People-Power. It is simply not a good idea to ask a…
Basic Data Validation and Visualisation
Ah the data Data validation is a key safety check that should be carried out throughout the lifecycle of a data project. Data sets are sensitive objects, that is – a client may not have asked you to sign an NDA, but they typically want you to behave as if…
VBA snippet time your code
This is a useful little runner to compare two techniques to verify which is fastest. Related posts: Edge Media Edge Media is an online-learning provider based in Cape Town…. Tree App The Tree App project was run from Johannesburg using a… VBA snippet copy and dump Set wbOpen =…
VBA snippet stitch sheets together
VBA for Excel VBA is awesome, I love it. What I don’t love is scratching through old Macros to pick up a piece of code that I know does just what I need. I have tried Gist with Git, but I just have not bonded with it. So I am…
Research and Analysis
Qualitative We have experience of: conducting focus studies one-on-one interviews with stakeholders at every level closed-ended questionnaire design survey monkey as a data-collection tool Quantitative We have experience of: parametric and non-parametric tests structured data collection Related posts: University of Cape Town The services offered in our…
Tree App

The Tree App project was run from Johannesburg using a remote team – data and project management was carried out with cloud, with the majority of data held on Google Drive. If you are looking at the future of work; bringing in people on projects as needed – employing freelancers…
Research and Reporting MiET engaged Technobunnies to conduct the initial research and produce a draft report examining how the NGO sector can assist South Africa to meet the 2030 National Development Plan for education. The report is soon to be published and a draft version is available here: ngo_ndp2030_draft MiET has…
University of Cape Town
The services offered in our capacity as a registered vendor with the University of Cape Town are data analyses, editing, research, and reporting. Our most popular service is data analyses – either at the department-level or individual-level for researchers based at UCT, typically through the application of an existing grant. Thus…