
Welcome. Thanks for following the link to here. Various technobunny portfolio items use filler clients, because of the sensitivity of our real clients data. Or to allow showcasing of skills. It is fun to have a brief burst of “what if”. You have followed a what if idea, please be reminded…

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Infographic for TEDI

Communicating by Infographic For the TEDI project, an infographic was required to present the key findings of the report. The client wanted a “wheel” based graphic image. By engaging a graphic artist with good sensitivities to the challenge of communicating information with regards to disabilities technobunnies produced the following infographic. Click to find…

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NGO Sector

Of all the enterprises that benefit from hiring expert analysts, writers, and editors on an as-needed basis, the Not for Profit sector probably has the greatest need. The founder of Technobunnies, Dr. Bickle has a deep-seated passion for education and supporting education NGOs has allowed her to maintain her involvement…

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British Council

The British Council engaged Technobunnies to complete a report bringing together data collated by UNISA examining the experience and outcomes of teacher training strategies. The report presents the current state of the education system in South Africa, with a particular focus on its ability to provide inclusive education. Qualitative data…

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