There are some great resources out there to learn various statistical packages. For a vector-based language look no further than R. R has an incredible community with plugin tools aplenty. Here is a beaut: Machine learning algorithms: Caret All things data From: the humans of data Want to learn R?…
Data Science
Adapted from Blitzstein and Pfster the Data Science Process offers a defined approach the data, to create a clear and actionable path. The process has five stages, which are:1 Identify the question2 Prepare the data3 Analyse the data4 Visualize or Model the insights5 Present the insights Stage 1 Identify the question…
Little Data
Here at technobunnies, we make a difference to our client’s lives by handling their little data. Do you want to know whether your surgical intervention is as effective, or more effective, than the current standard? The answer is available from surprisingly little data. Perhaps you need to measure KPIs or…
Protected: Cerebral Palsy Intervention
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Technical Writing Style Guide
The pleasures of style guides We create style guides because they are ergonomic. A terrible term to describe something so beautiful. Style guides let users access information intuitively. They are not dictators. Strive to communicate first and be aware when your system starts moving you away from that as a goal….
Protected: Mixed Methods Research Design
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Data Consulting Service
Technobunnies offers data consulting services. By looking after your data, we provide statistical analyses, data visualisation and data cleaning services. As demonstrated by our past client list, we are able to assist commercial clients, NPOs, private individuals or academics. As a registered vendor for UCT, postgraduate students, researchers and departments…
VBA snippet copy and dump
Set wbOpen = ActiveWorkbook wbOpen.Worksheets(1).Range(“A1:Q5000”).Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(“dump”).Range(“A1”) wbOpen.Close Related posts: Edge Media Edge Media is an online-learning provider based in Cape Town…. Tree App The Tree App project was run from Johannesburg using a… VBA snippet time your code This is a useful little runner to compare two techniques… Data Are…
UCT Careers Service as a client

University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Careers Service contracted us to provide Data Analytics and Copy for traditional print and web. Data Anlayses UCT conducted exit surveys to gain a better understanding of the outcomes of their graduates. Technobunnies were engaged to provide a report for use internally – across all…
Check these projects out
There are some awesome resources out the in the big wide web. Here are some that Technobunies recommend reading: Statistics Simple statistics How to validate a questionnaire Likert scales use and misuse: Bishop & Heron Carifio & Perla Various statistics links Site providing a visual analog scale (VAS) Missing data…