Communicating by Infographic For the TEDI project, an infographic was required to present the key findings of the report. The client wanted a “wheel” based graphic image. By engaging a graphic artist with good sensitivities to the challenge of communicating information with regards to disabilities technobunnies produced the following infographic. Click to find…
NGO Sector
Of all the enterprises that benefit from hiring expert analysts, writers, and editors on an as-needed basis, the Not for Profit sector probably has the greatest need. The founder of Technobunnies, Dr. Bickle has a deep-seated passion for education and supporting education NGOs has allowed her to maintain her involvement…
TEDI with a focus on referencing
A recent project with TEDI utilized a number of communication skills: article re-writing report writing (interim report available here) infographics data presentation spoken presentation referencing Referencing The focus of this drill-down is referencing. Poor referencing can be the bane of a report, especially as deadlines approach toward the end….
TEDI Report
Technobunnies temporarily took on various tasks that would nomally be serviced by someone in the role of research officer for Teacher Empowerment for Disability Inclusion (TEDI). TEDI conducted surveys to be able to position themselves to provide meaningful training to teachers of learners with severe to profound sensory or intellectual…
UCT Careers Service as a client

University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Careers Service contracted us to provide Data Analytics and Copy for traditional print and web. Data Anlayses UCT conducted exit surveys to gain a better understanding of the outcomes of their graduates. Technobunnies were engaged to provide a report for use internally – across all…
Basic Data Validation and Visualisation
Ah the data Data validation is a key safety check that should be carried out throughout the lifecycle of a data project. Data sets are sensitive objects, that is – a client may not have asked you to sign an NDA, but they typically want you to behave as if…
Edge Media
Edge Media is an online-learning provider based in Cape Town. We were contracted to provide a reporting solution: Data management of Excel held data Edge process a large volume of exam results for their students. They required a VBA solution to collate this data for reporting purposes. The data structure…