The technobunnies data analyses service started from an impulse to support people who were struggling to access competent assistance with their statistics. This arose from personal experience on the part of the founder whilst undertaking a PhD. It is data analysis that remains the most commonly sought service by private…
University Clients
It is no surprise that Technobunnies is drawn into supporting university projects. The skill-set offered is, after all, that of any research team. The challenge at the university level is that the expectation exists that reports, papers and data analyses will flow without interruption. In reality, lecturers are busy teaching…
Commercial Clients
The advantage of hiring a technobunny is that you gain instant access to technologically competent staff, without all the associated costs and risks that a permanent hire entails. Past Commercial Clients Commercial clients typically engage us because they need someone able to manage, manipulate, and analyse datasets, or to communicate…
Technical Writing Clients
Communicating technical concepts with clarity is a key service offered by the founder of Technobunnies. From technical documentation written in markdown or rST to tech blogs . Here is a selection of clients and projects that made use of such skills, either as technical writer or ghost-writer (permission provided by…
NGO Sector
Of all the enterprises that benefit from hiring expert analysts, writers, and editors on an as-needed basis, the Not for Profit sector probably has the greatest need. The founder of Technobunnies, Dr. Bickle has a deep-seated passion for education and supporting education NGOs has allowed her to maintain her involvement…
British Council
The British Council engaged Technobunnies to complete a report bringing together data collated by UNISA examining the experience and outcomes of teacher training strategies. The report presents the current state of the education system in South Africa, with a particular focus on its ability to provide inclusive education. Qualitative data…
TEDI Report
Technobunnies temporarily took on various tasks that would nomally be serviced by someone in the role of research officer for Teacher Empowerment for Disability Inclusion (TEDI). TEDI conducted surveys to be able to position themselves to provide meaningful training to teachers of learners with severe to profound sensory or intellectual…
UCT’s Medical department has a very active research component. The Pharamacology department have made use of our technical editing service to prepare papers for submission to journals. Related posts: University of Cape Town The services offered in our capacity as a registered vendor with… Technical Writing Clients Communicating technical concepts with…
UCT Careers Service as a client

University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Careers Service contracted us to provide Data Analytics and Copy for traditional print and web. Data Anlayses UCT conducted exit surveys to gain a better understanding of the outcomes of their graduates. Technobunnies were engaged to provide a report for use internally – across all…
Tree App

The Tree App project was run from Johannesburg using a remote team – data and project management was carried out with cloud, with the majority of data held on Google Drive. If you are looking at the future of work; bringing in people on projects as needed – employing freelancers…