Communicating technical concepts with clarity is a key service offered by the founder of Technobunnies. From technical documentation written in markdown or rST to tech blogs . Here is a selection of clients and projects that made use of such skills, either as technical writer or ghost-writer (permission provided by…
Working together apart
Global teams There is a modern trend that has spread across the world, changing how we work together. Global virtual teams have the power to dominate the business world. To do so, they must first get the basics right. How far apart? There is a huge difference in the proximity…
UCT Careers Service as a client

University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Careers Service contracted us to provide Data Analytics and Copy for traditional print and web. Data Anlayses UCT conducted exit surveys to gain a better understanding of the outcomes of their graduates. Technobunnies were engaged to provide a report for use internally – across all…
Research and Analysis
Qualitative We have experience of: conducting focus studies one-on-one interviews with stakeholders at every level closed-ended questionnaire design survey monkey as a data-collection tool Quantitative We have experience of: parametric and non-parametric tests structured data collection Related posts: University of Cape Town The services offered in our…
Research and Reporting MiET engaged Technobunnies to conduct the initial research and produce a draft report examining how the NGO sector can assist South Africa to meet the 2030 National Development Plan for education. The report is soon to be published and a draft version is available here: ngo_ndp2030_draft MiET has…
University of Cape Town
The services offered in our capacity as a registered vendor with the University of Cape Town are data analyses, editing, research, and reporting. Our most popular service is data analyses – either at the department-level or individual-level for researchers based at UCT, typically through the application of an existing grant. Thus…
The “real” AI

The real AI bot Gamers have long been familiar with bots directing the human-like responses of non-player characters, but what is the human-imitating AI doing for us now that it is out in the big wide world? The most prolific form of AI is the simple bot, a software application…