Communicating by Infographic For the TEDI project, an infographic was required to present the key findings of the report. The client wanted a “wheel” based graphic image. By engaging a graphic artist with good sensitivities to the challenge of communicating information with regards to disabilities technobunnies produced the following infographic. Click to find…
Protected: Welcome to Git
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Protected: Leaping into FileVault
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Working together apart
Global teams There is a modern trend that has spread across the world, changing how we work together. Global virtual teams have the power to dominate the business world. To do so, they must first get the basics right. How far apart? There is a huge difference in the proximity…
Rockets through Space

There is a meme alive in the science education system and it must go. The meme is that rocket motion is best explained using Newton’s 3rd law. I will offer this infographic to NASA as their offering for Newton’s laws is just a little too dry, and to the first,…
UCT’s Medical department has a very active research component. The Pharamacology department have made use of our technical editing service to prepare papers for submission to journals. Related posts: University of Cape Town The services offered in our capacity as a registered vendor with… Technical Writing Clients Communicating technical concepts with…
University of Cape Town
The services offered in our capacity as a registered vendor with the University of Cape Town are data analyses, editing, research, and reporting. Our most popular service is data analyses – either at the department-level or individual-level for researchers based at UCT, typically through the application of an existing grant. Thus…
The “real” AI

The real AI bot Gamers have long been familiar with bots directing the human-like responses of non-player characters, but what is the human-imitating AI doing for us now that it is out in the big wide world? The most prolific form of AI is the simple bot, a software application…
Any tool that keeps me in my text editor writing, instead of faffing around with layout is a win in my book. The future is here and it is markdown. In my opinion Syntax is a pain in the ass. Some people are good, perfection flows from their finger tips….